Al-Kashf wa't-Tabyin fi Ghurur al-Khalq Ajma'in: An Elucidation and Clarification on the Fact that Most People are Deceived
Imam al-Ghazali delves into the core of our predicament by exposing undesirable qualities of the heart, such as arrogance, pride, ostentation, and the pursuit of fame. The importance of ikhlas (sincerity) is the root of what he is alluding to.
The text examines the various religious activities that take place in a believers life, be they the construction of masjids, the delivery of lectures, charitable contributions in the name of Allah see, or the recitation of the Qur'an. Imam al-Ghazali's articulation of these matters persuades the reader to remain vigilant in every aspect of the Religion. His overarching theme throughout the book revolves around the term ghurur which, in the context of this work, can be translated as self-deception. As seen in many of his other writings, he provides compelling examples that resonate with all readers.