The Patience of The Pious Predecessors In Seeking Knowledge
By Shaikh Abdul Fattah Abu Guddah
Translated And Summarized By Suhaib Sirajudin
Hardback 151 Pages
ISBN: 9781789266733
Published And Printed In Istanbul, Turkey
Summarized English Translation of Safahat min Sabr Al-Ulama Ala Shadaid al-Ilm wal Tahsil
About The Book
Stories of the perseverance of scholars: this is a beautiful book Shaikh Abdul Fattah Abu Guddah authored about the struggles and sacrifices of scholars and their dedication to the pursuit of knowledge.
Introduction 13
Chapter 1: Description of The Travelling Of The Scholars, And Their Long Journeys For Knowledge 16
Chapter 2: Description of the scholars sacrificing their sleep, comfort and all of their pleasures and entertainment 40
Chapter 3: Description of the scholars in their patience on poverty and their struggle of life 58
Chapter 4: Description of the scholars' hunger and their thirst during the hot weather for hours and days 77
Chapter 5: Stories of the scholars' wealth running out 82
Chapter 6: Stories of the reaction of the scholars upon losing their books, selling them at the time of their hardships and buying them at the expense of selling their clothes 89
Chapter 7: Stories of the scholars who gave preference to knowledge, being occupied in travelling, writing books and benefiting themselves and others, over marriage 99
Chapter 8: Stories of the scholars spending their wealth, selling their possessions to gain knowledge, travelling and meeting scholars, buying books, pen and paper, and writing books 108
Chapter 9: Scattered pearls for students of knowledge 129
Chapter 10: Four golden nuggets for every student of knowledge 141
About The Author
Shaikh Abdul Fattah Abu Guddah was born in Syria in 1917. One of the outstanding Muslim scholars of the 20th century, Shaykh Abu Ghuddah was a leading scholar in the field of Hadith and of the Hanafi school of Fiqh. He studied in Syria and Egypt specialising in Arabic Language, Hadith, Shariah and Psychology.
He had many prominent teachers, amongst them Shaykh Ragib al-Tabbakh, Shaykh Ahmed ibn Muhamad al-Zaraqa, Shaykh Isa al-Bayanuni, Shaykh Ahmad al-Kurdi and the renounced Ottoman Scholar Imam al-Kawthari. He met Imam Hasan al-Banna in the 1940?s and joined the Muslim Brotherhood.
On his return to Syria he became very active in his dawah work and eventually he became the leader of the Muslim Brotherhood in Syria. He taught Usul al Fiqh, Hanafi Fiqh and Comparative Fiqh at the University of Damascus. He also taught at the King Saud University and Imam Muhammad ibn Saud Islamic University. He was buried in al-Baqi Cemetery in Madinah in 1997.
About The Translator
Shaykh Suhaib Sirajudin received his Degree in Islamic theology from Darul Uloom Al Arabiyya Al Islamiyyah, Bury (UK). He then continued his studies for a Degree in Software Engineering at Blackburn College, an associate college of Lancaster University, and for his Masters in Computer Security from the University of Liverpool.
He further studied for a Diploma in Counselling for marriage issues, Drugs, Stress and Family Counselling. After completing his studies he travelled to Saudi Arabia and taught at the Jubail University in Jubail, Eastern Province.
He is the author of the famous book 'Master Quranic Arabic In 24 Hours'.
Weight: 540