Muhyiddin Ibn 'Arabi (AD 1165-1240) is unquestionably one of the most profound figures in the history of world spirituality, a visionary of superlative wisdom and compassion. Known as the "Greatest Master" (al-Shaykh al-Akbar), he led an extraordinary inner and outer life. He travelled huge distances, from his native Spain to Syria and Turkey, writing over 350 books on the mystical path. His whole life was dedicated to exposing, at the deepest level, the primordial Unity underlying all human and natural existence, and the true degree of human dignity. The book presents a unique portrait of Ibn 'Arabi 'from the inside', using his own writing to tell the story of his life and teachings. The biographical chapters, supplemented with photographs and maps, give a vivid picture of his life and times during the height of medieval culture. These are interwoven with a series of chapters that portray the central elements of his thought, and highlight their relevance in today's world. This unusual approach gives a direct flavour of Ibn 'Arabi's genius, whose life and thought are inextricably linked. Above all, his deep insights into what it means to be truly human are applicable to people of all times and places. This highly readable and lucid book will appeal to anyone interested in the heart of Sufism or the mystical path and has a unique arrangement of biographical chapters alternating with chapters on major themes in his work.