The ultimate yearning of the human soul is to return to its Lord in a state where He is pleased with His servant and the Servant is pleased with his Master. This book offers a unique insights to prepare you for the journey to God through the wisdom of the great spiritual master Ibn Ata'illah al-Iskandari as expounded in his masterpiece al-Hikam.
About the Author
Taj ad-Din Abu’l-Fadl Ahmad b. Muhammad b. Abd al-Karim b. Ata’ Allah al-Iskandari, al-Judhami ash-Shadhili, known simply as Ibn ‘Ata’ Allah
He is Abu al-Fadl Ibn `Ata Allah al-Iskandari (d. 709), one of the great sufi imams, also known as a muhaddith, preacher, and Maliki jurist. He was Abu al-`Abbas al-Mursi's (d. 686) student and the second successor of Imam Abu al-Hasan al-Shadhili, and he was the first to spread the Shadhili teachings in writing.
Ibn Ata' Allah al-Iskandari was born in the middle of the 7th century AH/13th century CE and grew up in Alexandria during the Mamluk era.
He Authored many books including many of which are have been translated in English Including the following:-
- The Book of Aphorism:- Ibn Ata'illah's Kitabu al-Hikam English
- Sufism for Non-Sufis? Ibn 'Ata' Allah al-Sakandari's Taj al-Arus
- Ikhmaalush Shiyam| Perfections of Morals, Ibn Ataullah Iskandari
- The Key to Salvation: Ibn Ata’ Allah al-Iskandari (Miftah ....
- A Journey to God: Reflections on the Hikam of Ibn Ata'illah
Dr. Jasser Auda is the Founding Director of Al-Maqasid Research Centre in the Philosophy of Islamic Law (Markaz Dirasat Maqasid al-Shariah al-Islamiyyah ), Al-Furqan Foundation, London, U.K., since 2005; fellow of the International Institute of Advanced Systems Research, Canada; founding member of the International Union for Muslim Scholars, based in Dublin; member of the Academic Council of the International Institute of Islamic Thought, UK; member of the Board of Trustees of the Global Civilizations Study Centre, UK; member of the Executive Board of the Association of Muslim Social Scientists, UK; member of the Forum Against Islamophobia and Racism, UK; and a visiting lecturer to a number of academic institutes in the UK, Canada, Egypt, and India.
Dr. Jasser Auda had volunteered as Imam in Egypt and Canada, and has developed a multi-disciplinary academic background through writing two PhD theses on the Philosophy of Islamic Law, and Systems Analysis and Design, at the University of Wales, UK, and the University of Waterloo, Canada, respectively.
Dr. Auda is a Visiting Lecturer to a number of academic institutes in Canada, UK, Egypt, and India.