You are loved by Allah exactly as you are in this very moment.
The #1 international bestselling book, Secrets of Divine Love was written for the longing heart, for the one who is searching for something they have not been able to find. For the one who sometimes spirals into hopelessness and cannot help but feel too imperfect for a perfect God to love. This book is for the one who is at the edge of their faith, who has experienced religion as a harsh winter instead of the life-bearing spring it was sent to be by God.
Secrets of Divine Love serves as a compass and guiding light that returns you to the source of divine peace and surrender. Through the practices and pillars of Islam, you will learn how to unlock your spiritual potential and unveil your divine purpose. A. Helwa uses a rational, yet heart-based approach towards the Qur'an that not only enlightens the mind, but inspires the soul towards deeper intimacy with Allah. By weaving together dozens of inspiring mystical stories, Qur’an verses, Hadith, Rumi and Hafez poetry, psychology, and science, the author breaks down Islam in a way that is both digestible and inspiring for millennial Muslims.
A. Helwa not only unveils dozens of spiritual secrets hidden within the Qur’an, but she does so in an uplifting and gentle way that meets each reader exactly where they are on the path to God. While staying true to classical Islamic theology, A. Helwa’s emphasis on the forgotten teachings of love in Islam has a way of speaking not to just Muslims but to spiritual seekers of all traditions. Unlike your average book on religion that is focused solely on rules and outer practices, Secrets of Divine Love is a motivational and inspiring guide of how to experience the beauty hidden in the heart of the Qur'an and the Islamic tradition from a place of love, passion, and joy. If you have been longing to experience a more intimate and loving relationship with Allah, then this book was written for you.
“So often we are asked where and how one accesses the inner heart of the Islamic tradition — here it is!" -Professor Omid Safi, Duke University
- Allah: The Origin of Love
- Who Are You?
- The Mysterious World of the Qur’an
- The Spiritual Dimensions of Islam
- Tawba: Repent and Return to Unity
- Shahadah: The Ecstasy of Oneness
- Salat: How to Tune Into Divine Love
- Zakat: Giving as an Instrument of God
- Ramadan: The Holy Month of Fasting
- Hajj: A Pilgrimage to God
- The Spiritual Secrets of Death
- The Mysteries of Heaven and Hell
- You Are Loved
Writer A. Helwa has over 15 years of experience writing and speaking on Islam and personal development. Over the past several years she has inspired over 400,000+ readers through her passionate, poetic, and love-based approach to Islamic spirituality. Her popular blog @quranquotesdaily, was established while attending a Masters in Divinity focused on Islamic spirituality and peacemaking, as a means of helping others overcome personal and spiritual struggles on their journey of experiencing divine love.
"Whether you identify as a Muslim whose faith has perhaps grown weary or as someone who would like to taste of the essence of a tradition you do not understand, Secrets of Divine Love is a masterful map of the landscape of the soul on its journey home to the One who both transcends and dwells within all that is."--MIRABAI STARR, Author of God of Love: A Guide to the Heart of Judaism, Christianity and Islam and Wild Mercy: Living the Fierce & Tender Wisdom of the Women Mystics
"So often we are asked where and how one accesses the inner heart of the Islamic tradition--here it is! Helwa does a beautiful job of taking us, no matter what our faith background, through the Qur'an, teachings of the Prophet, Rumi, and other mystical luminaries."--OMID SAFI, Professor of Middle Eastern Studies at Duke University and author of Radical Love: Teachings from the Islamic Mystical Tradition
"I am simply entranced by A. Helwa's metaphors and insights. The bulk of her sentences are poetry in motion and studded with pearls of wisdom...The creative way Helwa has integrated her heart knowledge into her understanding of Islam is stunning."--IMAM JAMAL RAHMAN, Author of Spiritual Gems of Islam: Insights & Practices from the Qur'an, Hadith, Rumi & Muslim Teaching Stories to Enlighten the Heart & Mind
"This is a fascinating book that offers various profound insights and a vision of Islam--and indeed the Divine--that many readers will surely find enlightening and uplifting."--MOHAMMAD KHALIL, Professor of Islamic Studies at Michigan State University
"A marvelous book that gives a sound grasp of this great religion and nourishment to the heart we deeply need. This book is a source of majesty and beauty."--DR. FAWZIA AL-RAWI, Author of Divine Names: The 99 Healing Names of the One Love and Founder of the Center for Feminine Spirituality and Sufism
"The author's work has a special way of speaking to the heart. This reading offers exceptional spiritual nuances on the core of Islamic belief and practices. More than ever, we are in need of content like this that shines a luminous light on a faith that is frequently misunderstood."--SEYED MAHDI AL-QASWINI, Educator at Islamic Educational Center of Orange County
"This is simply a wonderful book, written with care and precision, weaving us into God's beautiful tapestry."--DR. NAZITA LAJEVARDI, Author of Outsiders at Home: The Politics of American Islamophobia
About the Author
A. Helwa believes that every single person on Earth is deeply loved by the Divine. She is a writer who has inspired hundreds of thousands of readers through her passionate, poetic, and love-based approach to spirituality. Her popular blog @quranquotesdaily, was established while obtaining her Masters in Divinity, as a means of helping others overcome personal and spiritual struggles on their journey of experiencing divine love. With over 15 years of experience writing and speaking on Islam and spiritual development, A. Helwa draws from her personal experiences and traditional sources to help her readers access 'Divine love in everyday life.'