It's Yusif's first time away from home to boarding school. The Dar Al Ilm Academy seemed to be the ideal place for him to pursue his studies, and achieve one of his lifelong ambitions - to memorise the Qur'an - or so his parents had decided... However, within the impressive walls of the old school, Yusif finds himself with more on his hands than he had bargained for. With house competitions, the pressure to become year captain, and some very mysterious goings-on, Dar Al Ilm has more in store for him than he had ever imagined!
Following on from the tradition of popular adventure stories of old such as Enid Blyton’s Famous Five or Malory Towers, The House of Ibn Kathir - The Competition Begins is an exciting illustrated children’s novel where traditional story telling is interwoven with Islamic knowledge and values creating a fun, adventure packed, new genre for older Muslim children to read.