Dr Al-Sharif ibn-Hashim Abdullah Al Husaini is an Arab scholar, descendant of Imam Al-Husain, son of Imam Ali and Sayyidah Fatimah (May Allah SWT be pleased with them), the daughter of the Holy Messenger (pbuh). He was born and raised in their holy hometown Madina, in the vicinity of the Holy Mosque of his Grandfather, Sayyiduna Muhammad (pbuh). Al Sharif Al Husaini is the 37th Master (Shaykh) in the Blessed Siddiqiyya Chain, connected back to Sayyiduna Abu-Bakr AS-Siddiq (RA) and the 44th Shaykh in the Blessed Golden Chain, that goes back to his grandfather, Sayyiduna Ali ibn Abi-Talib. Blessed to become a scholar in various Islamic and secular sciences, particularly Quranic exegesis, holy recitation, Hadith, Hanafi Fiqh, Blessed Seerah, Al Sharif Al Husaini is also a Professor of Arabic and English philology and literature. This book is a great compendium of enlightened inspirations for the serious seeker who is travelling to God almighty with awareness, through this wonderful journey to the Divine Secret - Union with Perfect, Eternal Happiness. This book has all the necessary means for your success, all in this world, in the transitory grave world, and in the everlasting hereafter life. The book will help protect you from the common confusion prevalent in the world today and provide you with spiritual and emotional energy to experience The Truth for yourself.