Second edition of the 'Litanies of the Path', part of the 'Sakina Awrad Series'. This latest edition now includes eight litanies in easy to read Arabic text with tashkeel and full transliteration for easy reading. Litanies include: Wird al-Latif of Imam al-Haddad The Ratib ul-Attas of Habib Umar bin Abd ar-Rahman al-Attas Ratib of Imam al-Haddad Hizb an-Nasr of Imam al-Haddad The Litany of Imam an Nawawi Hizb al Bahr of Imam Abu'l-Hassan ash-Shadhili The Litany of Imam Abu Bakr bin Abd ar-Rahman as-Saqqaf (Wird as-Sakran) The Creed of Truth 101 pages Book Size: A6