Selections from Jami' Al-Masanid compiled by Imam Muhammad ibn Mahmud Al-Khawarzimi (d. 665 AH).
Commentary from the works of Imam Muhammad ibn Al-Shaybani (d. 189 AH).
Translation and notes by Imam Omar Subedar.
This book has been prepared to clarify the many misconceptions about Imam Abu Hanifa. It takes the reader on a journey to observe the unfiltered of Abu Hanifah in his fiqh and his true attachment with hadith literature. This book contains over 500 narrations, which the Imam has reported himself. Many of these narrations have been supplemented with relevant rulings that have been drawn from the books of Muhammad ibn Hasan al-Shaybani such as Asl, Jamir al-Saghir, Kitab al-Athar and Kitab al-Hujjat ala Ahl al-Madinah.
Whether one follows the Hanahfi madhhab, another maddhab or no maddhab at all, this book will provide immense value in understanding classical Islamic law.