•To pay her a fair dowry, being a gift of her choice within the financial means of her husband
•To love, cherish and treat his wife with affection, compassion and justice
•To maintain and respect her honour, dignity and reputation and consult her in major decisions that affect the family
•To facilitate her pursuit of beneficial knowledge and education
•To be patient with her in all matters as well as guard her secrets and not speak ill of her, even to close family and friends
•To provide generously for her, her own home and all the facilities within the home to the standard which she’s accustomed to
•To contribute to the household chores if necessary
•To pay all running expenses. To name but a few: food, drink, clothing, accommodation and medicine.
•Since the husband is responsible for all expenses, the wife solely possesses any income which she earns, and is not obliged to contribute financially in any way, shape or form
•To protect her from all types of harm, physical, emotional and psychological.
•To fulfil her physical desires, satisfy them completely, be receptive to her signals and maintain an intimate relationship within the boundaries of scared law (Shari’ah), as well as respect her right to have children.
•To communicate with her in a jovial and even flirtatious manner, in order to create a loving and strong relationship.
•To maintain his personal hygiene, clothing and appearance, for the pleasure of his wife
•It is completely against the Qur’anic concept of marriage and the way of the Prophet salallahu Alayhi Wa Salaam to express aggressive behaviour and violence
•It is incorrect to expect the marital rights, if the marital duties are not fulfilled.