Dalail al-Khayrat is unquestionably the most celebrated manual of Blessings on the Prophet (Allah bless him and give him peace) in history. From the time of its authorship in fifteenth-century Fez by the Moroccan Shadhili sheikh Muhammad al-Jazuli (d. 870/1465), it swept throughout the whole of the Islamic World from North Africa to Indonesia. Countless millions of copies have been in circulation over the centuries with scarcely a well-to-do home in the Muslim heartlands being without one.
Don't let your home be without this source of barakah.
- A classic work that brought good wherever it is read.
- Artwork done by masters of Islamic calligraphy.
- A monumental project that brought together masters of many disciplines from different continents.
- Perfect for those who desire to fall in love with the Beloved of Allah.
- A timeless work of practical spiritual guidance.
- Establish a more traditional Islamic lifestyle of barakah and excellence with this.
- Full colour Uthmani Naskh Script.
This is pocket size book in flexi bound. It is on thick cream paper. 15 cm x 11cm.